The Art of Slow Cooking


All Brazilian parties end with something sweet with what we call a docinho. I thought it would be a good idea to start my own party, the CARAMESA party with a docinho.

Brigadeiro is a fudgy truffle type of bite-size desert, it is typically rolled in chocolate or colorful sprinkles. You can just pop it in your mouth.

It is so easy even a child can make it. Actually, this is one of the first recipes I have ever made. My little sister and I would make these late at night. Most of the time we would not even bother with sprinkles or rolling them into neat little balls, we would just spoon the gooey sweetness hot, straight from the pan. Burning the top of our mouths was inevitable but unavoidable as instant gratification was more important at that time.

With 3 ingredients you can also enjoy a brigadeiro.

  • 1 can of condensed milk

  • 1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate - either chopped from a bar or chocolate chips work as well

  • 2 Tbsp of butter - Separate

  • 1/2 cup Chocolate Sprinkles

In a thick-bottomed pan, mix Condensed milk, chocolate, and 1 Tbsp of butter.

Bring to medium heat until boiling.

Lower to medium-low heat and continuously stir until thickened. To test if ready to roll, drop a small dollop in a cup with cold water, the brigadeiro should stay together and not dissolve in the water.

Transfer to a plate and allow it to cool.

Once cool, get ready for the fun part.

Put the sprinkles on a shallow plate.

Butter your hands, yes you read that right, butter your hands with a little of the remaining butter. This will help the brigadeiro to not stick on your hands and the sprinkles stick to brigadeiro. Measure a tablespoon of chocolate and roll the brigadeiro and drop it on the sprinkles. Once all the brigadeiros are rolled in the sprinkles, you can roll them again on your hands to help the sprinkles stick. And enjoy!!!

If this rolling business is not for you, just pick up a spoon and eat out of the pan as my sister and I used to do.